
Wheat Farming: Plant this kind of wheat before November 20th to have a greater return

The changing patterns in weather conditions such as rain, wind, sunshine, hailstorm, etc. have made the older varieties of wheat to be ineffective in procuring high yield. So today, researchers all over the world are working to develop new varieties of wheat that could sustain the weather changes and give a high yield. Wheat is one of the most staple…

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Grow your farm effortlessly with Padcorp Smart farming technology products

In recent decades, the farming yield has improved tremendously. This is possible due to technological developments in the methods of farming and new tools and equipment used by farmers. Padgilwar Corporation with a mission to uplift small farmers of India, since its inception in 1960 has been serving them by offering the latest farming tools and equipment at a relatively…

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Padcorp’s several products that play a key part in agriculture

Padcorp’s several products that play a key part in agriculture

To serve small-scale to larger-scale farmers, Padwilgar Corporation, Pune, established its manufacturing unit in 1960. The company started the business with the production of Chincholi Perni Yantra and is now a leading manufacturer of the latest and the most advanced machinery and equipment used in agriculture, horticulture and gardening. Padcorp manufactures more than 100 tools and equipment that makes the…

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Top 10 useful Farming tools and equipment of Pad Corp

Top 10 useful Farming tools and equipment of Pad Corp

Pad Corp, based in Pune, is one of the pioneers in assisting small farmers of the country. Since 1960, “Padgilwar Group” is striving hard to help and empower small-scale farmers of the country by introducing new tools, equipment and machinery at affordable rates. Pioneered with the product ‘Chincholi Perni Yantra’, the firm has introduced more than 100 farming tools and…

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Top nine uses of Padcorp’s Tarpolin

Top nine uses of Padcorp’s Tarpolin

Tarpolin, a large sheet of strong, flexible, water-resistant or waterproof material finds wide application in various places as a protective tool. It is made of synthetic materials such as canvas or polyester coated with polyurethane or it can also be made of plastic such as polyethene. Padgilwar Corporation a 60-year-old firm is a top player in the manufacturing of various…

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Padcorp’s garden manual pressure sprayer and its qualities

Padcorp’s garden manual pressure sprayer and its qualities

A hand-operated pressure sprayer is one of the best gardening tools that help you to maintain your small or even large garden. The manual pressure sprayer is used to water plants or to spray any liquid-based pesticides or insecticides to prevent the control of weeds, insect infestation and diseases in the garden plants. Padgilwar Corporation of Pune has a state-of-the-art…

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Top 5 Specialities of PADCORP’s Products

Top 5 Specialities of PADCORP’s Products

PADCORP offers a wide range of agricultural products and technology that are essential in the lives of farmers. PADCORP’s products are designed to sustain human existence, from a grain of rice to a drop of water through the pillars of society and business. PADCORP gives entire support at every stage of farming, from creating agricultural machinery that fits farmers’ demands…

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PADCORP double bull portable sprayer and its Uses

PADCORP double bull portable sprayer and its Uses

The ambition to acquire large acreage will always be present in the mind of a successful farmer. Huge acreage entails massive responsibility. PADCORP makes it simple to achieve one’s goals and commitments. A portable sprayer for agriculture is a piece of agro-solution equipment that helps farmers to maintain their field and cultivate it effectively. Our new product has arrived to…

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Spare components for the PADCORP double bull battery sprayer and their availability

Spare components for the PADCORP double bull battery sprayer and their availability

PADGILWAR CORPORATION’S “Pad Corp Double Bull” is one of the market’s most well-known brands. Agriculture Sprayers are frequently used in agriculture, horticulture, sericulture, plantations, forestry, and gardens. It’s a battery sprayer that’s operated by hand and does a good job. Double Bull Battery operated Sprayer Pump is an example of the high-quality improvements that a group of educated specialists can…

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What factors you should consider while selecting a Grass cutting machine

What factors you should consider while selecting a Grass cutting machine?

There’s no denying that having a well-kept, lush green Farm enhances the appearance of your home. Keeping your Farm in good shape necessitates the use of the proper tools. To make your hard work rewarding and efficient, you must invest in the correct Grass cutting machine. Are you in the market for a new Farm-improvement machine? When buying a Grass cutting machine,…

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