
How Mobile Rice Mills Has Empowered Women In Rural Areas

Padgilwar Corporation successfully innovated a small-scale rice mill that requires little space to be operational and can even be transported easily from village to village when required and run on basic electricity. Introduction of this agricultural device gave various benefits to the people of rural India, during natural calamities like excessive rain, heat or floods. In the agrarian villages of Maharashtra and Gujarat,…

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Smart Farming Technology – Advanced Agriculture Solution

Smart Farming Technology – Advanced Agriculture Solution

Adoption of smart technology has grown widely and has deeply penetrated in our devices from health and fitness, home automation, automotive and logistics, to smart cities and industries. Smart Farming is acceptance of this technology that could find its application in agriculture and tremendously improve many facets of the farming practice. Farming has gone through a number of technological transformations in…

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Covid-19 Clean Up Drive By PadCorp

The corona virus that first originated in China was declared as the global pandemic by the World Health Organization on March 11, 2020. Ever since the announcement was out it has sparked significant anxiety among the people. Every country’s administration opted different ways to curb its spread. According to the latest updates, there are 59,900 confirmed cases and 1900 death…

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Impact of Corona Virus- India Lockdown on Farmer

In the middle of the Corona crisis and the resultant 21-day lockdown, when everyone including media is talking about groceries, medicines, vegetables and restaurants, the one sector they are ignoring is Agriculture. Nobody is thinking about the impact on the problems faced by farmers and the crop yields. It has just become our psych to only focus on the urban…

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Agro Enterprise- A Way Forward

Farmers in India are under perennial distress due to many factors such as low productivity, uneconomical land holdings and lack of irrigation. A brand new initiative is set to change the lives of farmers in India. Government with the help of World Bank has started a scheme to promote entrepreneurship among farmers. Under this new program will promote the formation…

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